This committee shall be composed of one lay person and one ordained minister from each mission cluster. Members of the committee shall serve one term or two years. They shall be elected to this position by the Association in staggered terms so that one member from each mission cluster is elected each year.
This committee shall present, at the annual meeting, a slate of nominees for Moderator, Vice Moderator, Secretary, members of the Church and Ministry Committee, Nominating Committee, Planning Committee, members at-large of the Association Council, representatives from the Association to the Illinois Conference Council, to the Personnel Committee, to General Synod and other Conference committees as requested by the Illinois Conference.
Committee Members
Rev. Connie Leader, ’17
Rev. Bob Sherman, ’19
Heart of Illinois
Vacant, ’17
Vacant, ’19
Lincoln Heritage
Vacant, ’17
Vacant, ’19
Rev. Dennis Gartung, ’18
Vacant, ’19
Spoon River
Mrs. Virginia Vasen, ’17
Rev. Stephen Barch, ’18
At Large
Rev. Gladys Herzog, ’17
Mrs. Edna Mara, ’19
ACM Staff Person
Acting Associate Conference Minister, Rev. Kim Wood