What a wonderful Illinois Conference Annual Celebration we had!
Our time together included powerful messages provided by Bishop Yvette Flunder, Rev. Dr. Vertie Powers, Rev. Kathy Lawes and Rev. Tom Norwalk; uplifting music orchestrated by Jim Molina; informative Energizers and various displays providing participants with ideas and information; and the banquet recognizing special people and churches. There was a spirit of fellowship and community throughout our business sessions, led by President Mike Linder, as resolutions were considered and decisions made. The gathering was an uplifting experience!
There were 4 Emergency Resolutions passed: three of them were sent to General Synod for consideration. These address issues of violence, privatized prisons, and the current practice of separating immigrant children and families. There was also a last minute Resolution addressed to the Illinois Conference as follows:
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Illinois Conference UCC, through appropriate ministries of the Conference, support and encourage congregations of the Conference in educating their members around the issue of separating minor children of immigrant families from their parents, and to advocate with them to the appropriate governmental departments and agencies to end this practice.
The full text of the 4 Resolutions can be accessed here on the website. The delegates also voted to ratify the amendments to the UCC Constitution that were passed at the last General Synod.
The Annual Report and Recognition Book is also available on the website. This provides a picture of the work of the Conference Committees over the past year, as well as ordination recognitions, etc. If you were not at the Annual Celebration, please take the time to read and celebrate the mission and ministry that had been happening through the Illinois Conference.
The Planning Committee, under the leadership of Jana Chwalisz, the many volunteers, Elmhurst College and Conference staff, all worked diligently to create a welcoming and uplifting event. Thank you to all involved!
Mark your calendars for next year‘s Annual Celebration – June 7-8, 2019; Elmhurst College!